Empower Her is a drawing challenge that sparks creativity while uplifting, inspiring, and fostering meaningful conversations

I teamed up with the talented artist Erin Hung to host the Empower Her Drawing Challenge on Instagram. Reflecting on the year, we explored themes like relationships, body image, career and finances, mental health, travel, and social impact. I planned to create illustrations for commercial use, spanning packaging, editorial, licensing, and animation.

Mental Health For this piece, I aimed to create a versatile illustration that could be easily adapted and used across various sections of a fictional mental health website called Empowering Minds.

Body Image For the theme of body image, I challenged myself to create a body-positive skincare brand. I named it "Emi," which means "beautiful" in Japanese, perfectly capturing the essence of this empowering brand. Through my characters, I aimed to represent body image in all its diversity. I selected a beautiful font that best represented the brand and chose a contemporary colour palette with an energetic pop.

Career "Nurture" has been my guiding word for the year. I created a 3D lettering piece for this prompt, symbolising growth in my creative practice and my development as an artist.

Relationships I created an emotive illustration for a mock editorial piece about mothers empowering their daughters, demonstrating how my artwork can convey the connection between characters and tell a meaningful story.




Girl Scouts